The Powis Parker Fastback 15xs binding system creates durable softcover and hardcover books that can stand up to 50 lbs. of pull per page. In addition to being strong, books bound with the Fastback 15xs are also easy to edit. Below is a step-by-step guide to editing books with the Fastback 15xs thermal binder:

  1. Verify that the binder is in the “READY TO BIND” mode.
  2. Fold the corner of the page that you want to remove, then insert the page that you want to replace it with immediately behind. Ensure that the sheet is straight and positioned as close to the glue as possible, then close the book.
  3. Place your book into the binding channel, then press the “EDIT” button. The edit cycle will begin. The display screen will read “EDIT PREP,” the book clamps will close and the book will be moved toward the back of the machine.
  4. While the adhesive is being melted, pinch the front and back sections of the book so that the sheet with the folded page is left free. When the book clamps open and the display reads “EDIT NOW,” immediately pull the folded page out of the book. Tap the new page until it makes contact with the glue and is flush with the rest of the document.
  5. Lift your edited book out of the binding channel and place it into the cooling rack. Allow it to cool for a few minutes before opening it to ensure that the glue has set.

Note: If the page that you are removing does not lift out easily after the first editing cycle, run it through a second cycle.

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